New Concrete Driveway Approach Repair in Los Angeles

Alonso Romero

by Alonso Romero
CA State Lic. Concrete & Masonry C-8
CA State Lic. General Contruction - B
Buckaroo Banzai the Concrete Nerd
Actual person performing the job
Date: 05/27/2021

New Concrete Driveway Approach Repair in Los Angeles

If you’ve walked the streets of Los Angeles, you’ve probably noticed it before. The crumbling concrete driveway ramps in front of homes, especially in our older neighborhoods. Maybe you’re a homeowner with one of those ancient driveway ramps that is falling apart. No need to live with that. You can have your driveway or sidewalk ramp repaired or torn out and replaced in about one day.

Your driveway is important. It’s not only what people see when they drive up to your house, but it gets used everyday. Having a driveway ramp, or apron, that is in good working order is essential to the aesthetics of your home, and the functionality. Working with an experienced contractor can help you make sure you have a new driveway ramp quicker and easier than you may think.

Sidewalk Driveway Approach Repair in Los Angeles

It may seem a little daunting, trying to figure out who is responsible for the sidewalk in front of your house. The city of Los Angeles is in charge of it, but homeowners are also allowed to make repairs or replacements, as needed. If you have lived in Los Angeles for any amount of time, you know how bad our sideways and ramps can look. Between vegetation (trees and shrubs) and seismic shifts underground, our sidewalks are a maze of cracks, uplifts and downright crumbling concrete. It can be frustrating waiting for the city to make fixes. 

Under the Safe Sidewalks LA program, for a limited time, the city is offering a rebate to help homeowners defray the cost of repairing existing sidewalks in front of your property. 

Here’s what you need to know about this rebate:

  • You need to be a property owner within the City of Los Angeles with sidewalks that are not ADA compliant.

  • You can apply for the rebate on multiple properties.

  • The rebate is limited to repair sidewalks that are within the public right-of-way. 

Here are just a few examples of the types of repairs the rebate covers:

  • Uplifts in sidewalks greater than 1/4 inch,

  • Sidewalks with a width less than 4 feet,

  • Sidewalks with gaps that are greater than 1/2 inch

  • Sidewalks that have damage typically caused by tree roots,

If you are looking to replace a ramp or even install an ADA-compliant ramp in front of your home, call an experienced contractor. You will need a permit from the city in order to make the necessary changes. Your contractor will work with you throughout the process.

How long will all this take? The permitting process is probably the longest part of the project. After that, your contractor will take anywhere from 5-7 days to plan out the project. Once the construction begins, it takes about a day or two -- between clearing out the old concrete and pouring the new ramp. After that, expect the concrete to take about a week to dry. All in all, it will take about two weeks for construction. 

Driveway Apron Repair Contractor

What about tackling that driveway ramp? Also known as a driveway apron, this is the ramp that takes you from the street to your driveway. If you live in an older neighborhood in Los Angeles, you know these driveway aprons take a beating -- and who knows when it was replaced the last time?

So, what do you need to know about replacing your driveway apron/ramp in Los Angeles? You are going to need a permit. The city wants to know, basically, what you are going to do. The city wants to know if:

  • You are going to clear out your old driveway ramp

  • What caused the damage to your driveway ramp

  • You will be cutting the street pavement

  • Basic measurements

  • If you’ll be using asphalt or concrete 

Once the permit is in place, the planning can begin in earnest. Work with an experienced contractor. That contractor will

  • Assess the size and complexity of the job

  • Plan for repairs or removal of the existing driveway ramp/apron

  • Tear out damaged concrete

  • Prepare site for concrete pouring

  • Finish concrete and add any pre-arranged details (finishing touches)

  • Come back to the site periodically to check on the concrete to ensure it sets properly.

All told, it will take about a week to plan, a day or two to execute the project, and then another week or two for the concrete to fully set. Don’t plan on driving on your new driveway ramp/apron for at least a week after the concrete has been poured.

How much will it cost to replace my driveway apron/ramp in Los Angeles?

How much it will cost to replace or repair your sidewalk in Los Angeles will depend mostly on the project size or how much work will need to be involved in your project. You can expect the project to run about $5,000 to $10,000. If you are just looking to replace or repair the city-provided sidewalk, you’ll be looking at a very basic, cost-effective grey slab. However, the price of the job will depend greatly on how complex the project is. 

Why should I choose Concrete Decor Contractors?

The concrete experts at Concrete Decor Contractors will work tirelessly to ensure that the repair or replacement of your sidewalk gives you as few headaches as possible. Not only do we work on driveways with grass strips and sidewalks, but we also create stunning patios, porches and walkways. With over 20 years of experience, you can rest assured that our contractors know how to address any issues that arise during the process of repairing your sidewalk. Give us a call today at 818-869-3291 to find out more!