by Alonso Romero
CA State Lic. Concrete & Masonry C-8
CA State Lic. General Contruction - B
Buckaroo Banzai the Concrete Nerd
Actual person performing the job
Date: 07/11/2020
Your driveway has a crack. You think, it’s no big deal. It’s just a little crack. But what could be lurking under the surface?
It could just be just a crack, but the longer the crack has been there and been walked on, driven on and parked on, the more likely the damage has been spread. Without your knowledge that small crack is now affecting the structural performance of your driveway, patio, or walkway. Now, you’ll need structural repair done by a professional.
When the structure of your concrete driveway, walkway, or patio needs to be repaired, an epoxy injection will be the typical solution. Injected epoxy is stronger than the concrete and can restore the concrete strength. Though, if it turns out there is an underlying problem, such as an overloaded structure or a movement condition, the concrete will simply crack again.
Epoxy injection is used on deep cracks to repair the damage and make them stronger. In this process, the crack is cleaned by vacuuming or flushing the area with water to remove dirt. Surface cracks are then sealed with a gel to prevent the epoxy from running out. Ports are installed for venting and injecting and then the epoxy is finally placed into the cracks. This all needs to be done slowly, as high pressure could actually make the cracks worse. As soon as all cracks are filled the ports are removed.
If your cracks are really bad, then epoxy injection will not work, and extra steps will need to be taken to ensure that the driveway is stable. To do this, a professional will remove all severely damaged and weak spots. Once all the concrete is removed, the area is cleaned, and the steel bars should be seen. The steel is then cleaned to check for damage. If the steel has damage, new steel will be tied to the old steel to make the area more stable. After this repair is completed in all the weak spots, new concrete will be mixed and then poured into the open areas. To make the repairs easier to fix and repair, they are cut with 90-degree areas, usually in a square or rectangular shape to ensure concrete is evenly distributed. When the new concrete has dried, then a small overlay of concrete will go over the entire driveway to make sure it is smooth and consistent. Once this layer dries, a sealer will be applied to finish the process to keep your concrete surface in good condition and reduce new cracks from forming.
I know it sounds tempting, but this kind of work is really best left to the professionals. You want to make sure your driveway, walkway, or patio is stable enough for everyday use. Professionals can check for weaknesses in your concrete and properly assess and repair damaged spots. The secret to successful repairs of this sort is the proper preparation professionals provide.
The best thing you can do is to prevent cracking and damage this bad is maintaining your concrete surface. You can do this by cleaning your driveway, walkway, or patio at least once a month. You want to apply a sealer every 2-5 years go keep water, moisture, dirt and other things out of the internal concrete. If you see a crack, fill it! Don’t let it sit for months and possibly expand under the surface. If your concrete surface seems unstable or has weak areas, get it looked at right away. Never wait if you have a weird feeling! Driveways can be one of the easiest and cheapest things to maintain, but if you don’t take some care, it can cost you in the end. Don’t get lazy. Homeownership is a job and the more you do your job, the better the value of your home.
Get those cracks checked out and repaired before they become a bigger problem. Call the professionals at Concrete Décor Contractor at 1-818-722-8124 for a consultation today. One call could save you a lot of work.